Does Sweet Cherubim have Vegetarian, Vegan, and Gluten-Free options?

Yes, Sweet Cherubim is 100% Vegetarian and mostly Vegan. We also offer Organic, Raw and Gluten-Free options.

Is there Parking around Sweet Cherubim?

Yes, Sweet Cherubim offers free parking behind our building and there is ample metered parking on the front street as well.

Are Reservations Required?

No, reservations are not required.

Is there an Outdoor Dining Option?

Yes, Sweet Cherubim offers both a front patio as well as a relaxing, and cozy back patio.

Is Sweet Cherubim Wheelchair Accessible?

Yes, Sweet Cherubim is wheelchair accessible.

Does Sweet Cherubim offer takeaway?
Yes, Sweet Cherubim offers takeaway services.
Does Sweet Cherubim offer delivery?
Yes, Sweet Cherubim offers delivery services through Uber Eats, DoorDash, SkipTheDishes. Call (604) 253-0969 to learn more.
Is Sweet Cherubim Open on Holidays?

Yes, Sweet Cherubim is open on all holidays except December 25.

Note: Special hours apply.